Driving license in Cambodia

Driving license for all drivers in Cambodia is the main problem that people should focus much about it especially in Phnom Penh city. I see every day that young driver don’t know traffic law and driving in the city. They are often making mistakes such as traffic light, sign and being fined by traffic polices. The government also tries to take action on all drivers who doesn’t have driving license to study driving law and do exam to get driving license. To do that is to make sure that all drivers know how to drive well and can avoid all immediately accident. It’s easy now because there are some schools that teach to drive motor and car such as Honda Company, 24 Tola school. So you can go there to study free and get certificate to take exam for getting driving license. Presently, the amount of vehicles in Cambodia especially in the city is increasing and the danger can happen in any seconds. So people with driving license are recognized and have more carefully when driving. We don’t want to see anyone get accident that affects their life.
View map of 23 Tola driving school